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2014.11.8- 2015.2.1 "Criterium 89" (Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito), Ibaraki Japan


開催日 2014年11月8日[土]~ 2015年2月1日[日]
会場 水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー第9室
主催 公益財団法人水戸市芸術振興財団
企画 浅井俊裕(水戸芸術館現代美術センター芸術監督)
音響 北村大樹
静けさの向こう - Kitamura Daiki
00:00 / 00:00

The other side of the water surface

By ASAI Toshihiro, Artistic Director, Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito

   Four pictures, which look like Rorschach test inkblots are displayed in a space where quiet music is heard. It seems difficult to say whether or not they express something meaningful, so each viewer may have his or her own image just as the Rorschach test shows a series of inkblot images.

  One of them shows (or looks like) a green potbellied dog lying down, another depicts a hermit (or someone like a hermit) wearing vestments and a miter headdress, another sober-colored picture looks like a time-honored Buddhist painting, and the last one looks like a mystery man’s face (or something like that) in a video game or anime, in a state of nesting dolls. All of them are pictures of the other side of the river or floating islands in the pond photographed by a camera set very close to the water surface. As the water surface functions as a mirror, pictures of symmetries are developed. Displayed lengthwise, each of these four photographs is placed on each side of the exhibition room respectively as if all tips of a cross were connected. 

  In this context, neither special technology nor new method is necessarily used. It is rather a camera technique often used, as an inverted image of Mt. Fuji printed on the current thousand-yen bill exemplifies. It is no more than a still photograph of a geometric scene reflected on the water surface. Needless to say, you should choose a place where you could shoot an interesting scene, or wait until the conditions of the water surface and light become favorable. I suppose, as far as this exhibition is concerned, what is different from a usual photo exhibition is that each picture is turned round 90 degrees on display. Music played in the hall is composed of three sounds on the simple solfège frequency. This musical scale relieves viewers of today’s excessive sounds around them leading them to meditation.

  Although I do not look down on what is called media art, I believe that this very simple method that does not show off a new technique opens the door to another world in combination with the viewer’s imagination. I neither disapprove of the recent trend of socially aware and/or conceptual art, but I believe that art, which needs additional millions of words and ideas to function as a way of expression is already apart from art’s essential appeal. Rei Gabomi’s “the surface―mirror” in the exhibition shows us a new way of viewing things while using orthodox specular reflection photography to attract our attention to many interesting spectacles and phenomena hidden in our everyday life.

  Many excellent artworks, roughly speaking, give us a glimpse of a different world through their simple structures. 



(浅井 俊裕/水戸芸術館現代美術センター芸術監督)




 いわゆるメディアアートを軽んじるわけではないが、新しい技術を見せびらかしたりしない、こうしたシンプルで簡潔な技法こそ見る者の想像力と相まって別世界への入り口を開く。また昨今流行りの社会派的なアートやコンセプチュアルアートを否定するわけではないが、美術であるにもかかわらず、百万の言葉や思想を付け加えなければ機能しない表現というのは、もはや美術本来の味わいを離れている。それに対して彼女の今回の作品《 the surface – mirror 》は、鏡面写真というオーソドックスな方法を用いながら、新しいものの見方を示し、日常のなかにおもしろい光景や現象がまだまだたくさん潜んでいることに気づかせてくれる。


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