1978- Japan based Artist / photography / painting
写真家・ペインター 高知出身・香川県在住アーティスト

Inland sea 2015 /TELENS

11/1-4 POP-UP展示会開催します。
会場/ トーヨーキッチンショールーム(カルテル高松)
香川県高松市木太町1839-1 10:00-18:0

Art Magazine"Pen"
写真作品TELENSが Pen(2018年4月号)70/71Pにて紹介されました。
GABOMI's artwork ‘TELENS’ was featured in the lifestyle and art magazine Pen in April 2018. ‘TELENS’ is a newly coined word by GABOMI, made up of the Japanese word “TE” (手), meaning hands, and “LENS”. ‘TELENS’ is a unique pinhole photography technique that utilizes bare hands, resulting in predominantly red color images due to the presence of myoglobin, a muscle pigment.
In ‘TELENS’ photography, a body part is overlaid onto a landscape to express the theme of the past in the photographer's memory. Through ‘TELENS’, GABOMI seeks to express the mist-like transience of human life.

Kochi 2023 /TELENS
写真家であり、ビジュアルアーティストです。日本を拠点に活動しています。私の撮影・写真作品は加工は一切行わず、そのままの光の状態で作品を完成させます。2008年に独学で写真を始め、2012年には写真集『ことでん仏生山工場』とをAKAAKA Art Publishingから出版し全国発売しました。また、2014年には茨城県の現代美術センター・ART TOWER MITOにて、個展「Criterium 89 GABOMI」を開催しました。2016年にはSHISEIDO ART EGG 10で入選し、東京銀座の資生堂ギャラリーで個展「in/visible/GABOMI.」を開催しました。2017年にはサトウ食品株式会社によってTELENS作品『Inland Sea 2015』がコレクションされました。
GABOMI is a photographer and visual artist based in Japan. She creates her artwork without any post-processing, leaving them in the purest form of light. Starting photography as a self-taught photographer in 2008, she published a nationwide photo book "Kotoden Busshozan factory" with AKAAKA Art Publishing in 2012. In 2014, she held a solo exhibition "Criterium 89 GABOMI" at the Contemporary Art Center, ART TOWER MITO in Ibaraki, Japan. She was selected for SHISEIDO ART EGG 10 in 2016, and held her solo exhibition "in/visible/GABOMI." at the SHISEIDO GALLERY in Tokyo, Japan. In 2017, her work "Inland Sea 2015" with TELENS was collected by Sato Foods Co., Ltd.
TELENS/手レンズ is GABOMI's unique photographic technique that uses her hands as a lens, creating a one-of-a-kind expression. In addition to photography, she restarted painting in 2018 and continues to pursue a wide range of artistic expressions.